
The St Bridget's governing body is responsible for the strategic management of the school. It ensures accountability to the local community, and acts as a so-called 'critical friend', supporting the headteacher and deputy head, who are responsible with their senior staff for day to day management.

The governors determine the school budget, set attainment targets for the pupils each year, recruit the headteacher and deputy head, and are responsible for the headteacher's annual performance management.

Through the work of a series of sub-committees (Finance Buildings, Heath & Safety, Quality of Education (Curriculum), Personnel and Christian Ethos), as well as visits to school by governors with specific responsibilities, the governors develop a good understanding of the operation of the school, and can advise the head on any aspect of the school's work.

The Full Governing Body normally meets five times a year.

Governors appointed or elected in the following categories:

Parent Governors (six) Nominated from amongst and elected by the parents and guardians of children at the school.
Foundation Governors (four) Nominated by the St Bridget's Church community, and appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education. The Rector of St Bridget's is a foundation governor ex officio.
Staff Governors (one) Nominated from amongst and elected by the school staff.
Co-opted Governors (three) Appointed by the governing body.
Headteacher Governor The headteacher is a governor by default, unless he or she (unusually) relinquishes the role.
Local Authority Governors (one) Appointed by the Local Authority from amongst the political parties represented in the council.
Associate Governors Non-voting members appointed by the governing body for their specific knowledge or expertise. In recent years, the deputy head & Assistant Head have been invited to be an associate governor.
Recently, the Local Authority has been unable to provide us with a governor, and the role of one of those governors is being filled essentially as a third community governor.

Information about all our current governors is available by following the link at the left.

David Pastor
Chair of Governors (and Parent Governor)