Year 1

Year 1 Curriculum

During Autumn term we have a whole school focus on ‘Our World’. This allows us to explore some very interesting elements of History, Geography and Science as well as other subjects.



Part of our learning in Geography will be the UK, focusing on labelling the countries, capital cities and the waters surrounding the UK. In Science we will be classifying animals and looking at everyday materials.


In History we will focus on castles from the past and present castles still in use. This will include parts of a castle, methods of attack and defence and roles that people had. This learning will take place in many forms and use a variety of strategies to achieve our goals.


We will enjoy opportunities to learn outside the classroom, including local walks and enhanced provision activities. Additionally, throughout the Autumn term, the children will be having a specialist sports coach come into school to deliver gymnastics during our PE lessons.


We will also be enhancing our learning through Art and Design Technology to further enrich our curriculum. In art we will be looking at famous artists such as Bridget Riley and Wassily Kandinsky to carefully observe the techniques used to create illusions and abstract art.


If you feel that you have something to contribute to this topic of ‘Our World’, please feel free to contact us – we’d love you to share your expertise!