Year 5

 Year 5 Summer Overview

In the Summer term we have the whole school focus on ‘Our Environment’. This allows us to explore both History and Geography alongside many other curriculum subjects. In Geography, we are looking at Rome as part of a European study: including map work and physical/human features as well a comparison with Chester. In History, we continue this theme with a study of Roman Britain. Our English will focus on texts including Jabberwocky, Just So Stories and Dragons. 


Over the course of the term in the wider curriculum, we will be looking at forces and a human timeline. In combination with our PSHE lessons, we will be discussing puberty and physical changes. In PE and games, we will be developing our skills in cricket and athletics leading up to Sports Day. In DT, we will explore the use of CAMs as part of an automata toy. In RE, we will be answering the question 'What similarities are there across religious groups in terms of guidance for how to live a good life?' In Art, we have a sculpture unit. In ICT we will be creating vector drawings as well as our continuing focus on e-safety. 


To support your child with their learning, you could help them to learn their year 5/6 spellings (national curriculum requirement) as these will be imperative to your child’s writing throughout the year. Any additional reading around our topics would be great. Accessing their weekly homework through google classroom and supporting your children with any additional work we send home, will also support their learning in school.