EYFS Overview Autumn 2 2024


Amazing Animals / our celebrations


Over this half term we will be looking at the changes in the seasons especially the change from Autumn to Winter. We will link to seasons around the world and how they differ from
ours. We will be going for local walks in small groups and looking closely at the environment we live in. We will be spending time looking at the changes that are taking
place in the seasons and why this is happening. We will have our very own ‘treehouse’ in the school role play for the children to explore, use their imagination and investigate.


We will be learning about some of the animals that live in our world, especially linked to parks, forests and woods. In particular, we will be looking at hibernation, habitats and
nocturnal animals.  We will also be looking at celebrations that are special to us and also some celebrations that are special to other people in our country and around the world. For example, Christmas, bonfire night, Diwali and Thanksgiving and a range of activities will be set up to teach children about why some people celebrate these special occasions. 


We will also look at similarities and differences between some of these celebrations. We will also be having a one-off focus on the artist Wassily Kandinsky to help us with
shape and colour mixing. Again, there will be a big focus on communication and language – specifically speaking, listening and understanding and PSED – specifically deepening our understanding using new vocabulary and taking part in class discussions.


Most importantly, we will ensure the children continue to develop their school routine, are making friends and are happy and settled in school. Every week we will cover specific objectives and areas of learning for maths, literacy, phonics, understanding the world and expressive art and design etc.


Miss Cotterell and Mrs Neal will keep you updated weekly via TAPESTRY with specific details of what we have been
focusing on in our classroom so that you know what you can work on with your child at home.