Year 5

Year 5 Curriculum
This Autumn term we have the whole school focus on ‘Our World’. This allows us to explore some very interesting elements of History and Geography among other subjects and we are delighted to say that your child will be focusing in on the exciting topics of Ancient Greece, Forces and Space. This will provide the basis for a cross-curricular approach to many of the subjects your child will learn this term.
We will study Ancient Greece during our History lessons, learning about the birth of democracy, exploring the myths and finding out about their different Gods and Goddesses.
In Geography, the children will learn about the locational Geography of Europe including the environmental regions, key physical and human features and countries and cities.
In Computing we will revisit the importance of E-Safety and Science lessons will take us to Space.
We hope that you can support your child by researching any aspect of Ancient Greece, perhaps by collecting images and information. We would like each child to share their knowledge with the class throughout this project.