Mexican Fiesta Day


May 2018

1st May 2018

Mexican Fiesta Day

¡Ándele, ¡Ándele..

Thursday 17th May,

Will be a Mexican fiesta day.

Everyone is invited, (a day of sombreros and own clothes optionalé).


"For I was hungry and you gave me food" Matthew Chapter 5:35-40


At a recent meeting of the school’s Rights Respecting Steering committee, pupils involved in the campaigning team put forward an idea to help raise donations for a charity closer to home. The charity chosen was the Wirral food bank at St Agnes’s church, right here in West Kirby. After much research and a mountain of ideas in how to make the day fun, we give you…. “A Mexican Fiesta Day”.


So please, dig deep, raid those cupboards and donate what you can from the following list:

Tinned goods i.e. spaghetti, fruit, fish, meat, vegetables, soups, puddings

Coffee, tea, cereal, squash, rice, biscuits, pasta sauces.

Shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste, toothbrushes

(Pasta and beans are a no-no as the food bank has a mountain of them!!)


Donations will be accepted throughout the week commencing Monday 14th May.


Thank you for your continued support for charities the school wishes to support.


Wirral food bank is part of the Trussell Trust UK. Non-perishable food is donated and brought to the Birkenhead warehouse, where volunteers pack and take it to distribution centres in local Church buildings. Front-line professionals such as social workers and health visitors give food bank vouchers to people who are in need of immediate short-term help due to crises such as redundancy, illness, domestic violence and family breakdown.