Being an Accredited School
What it means to be an MNP Accredited School
MNP Accredited Schools are at the forefront of ensuring that every child succeeds in mathematics. They work to support schools who are new to maths mastery by sharing their knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm for the MNP approach.
Becoming an Accredited School makes you part of this community as well as a leader in expanding the reach of maths mastery.
As an accredited school we support maths learning and development in a number of ways each year as follows:
- Maths Open Days for visiting teachers to MNP in action from Year 1 to Year 6
- Twilight support throughout the year for specific year groups
- Teacher Research Group and lesson study for interested and maths mastery schools
- Shared research with another Accredited School to further embed subject and pedagogy.
- Support training of teachers from Malta on an annual basis
To become an Accredited School we have demonstrated:
- Successful implementation of the MNP Primary Series across all year groups, for at least one year, now into our fifth year.
- Demonstrated commitment to the continuous professional development of our teaching staff through ongoing mastery training.
- Three senior staff member and maths lead who have attended an in-depth mastery course delivered by an MNP trainer.
- School-wide participation in at least one day of MNP inset training, which for staff at St. Bridget’s is a continuous process.
- A grade of Good or above from Ofsted (or an equivalent education governing body).